Small Dogs and God

short coated black and brown puppy in white and red polka dot ceramic mug on green field

One day, sitting around with a buddy, we were considering who we trust in this world. Sarah had a young pup on her lap, lavishing her with affection and love; she glanced up at me and announced: “the only ones I can count on are small dogs and God.” We giggled at that and later I added: “hey what a wonderful title for a book.” It’s not a novel, my friend, but here it goes. Small Dogs and God!

My very first dog;

I recall how devoted he was even when I treated him horribly. I was a problem child; however, I was caught in the crossfire from a dispute between the parents. This drove me livid, which I directed in the poor dog’s way. 

 I’d stomp outside and rush out to the barn with my trusty friend Tuffy, who was only moments behind me. He wanted to play; he was full of energy; I’d shriek at him “go away” I don’t want you to lick me! No matter how often I shoved him aside, he sat waiting for me. Eventually, I would break and let him comfort me, as only a puppy can love you. Those licks and deep expressive eyes letting me know he recognized how I suffered, and he was on my team. 

Coincidence or Not?

Now I don’t wish to ruffle anyone’s feathers when I say that it’s not a coincidence that the dog spelled backward is God. When I consider my father, in heaven, and His characteristics. Faithful, unwavering love, no matter if we are angry at Him, His loyalty to his children; never leaving their side through the rough times. God will never leave us!

It is us that walk elsewhere, assuming it’s God’s fault for the things that happen in our lives. I have walked away from God too many times to count. I’d criticize God for my life even thou it was my choices. Driving Him away, instead of letting Him comfort me. He wants to comfort his children if we allow Him. 

Maybe God placed dogs on this earth to comfort, and to look after His children. To bring us peace, love, joy, and smiles. Perhaps four-legged angels? The ones that wash away our tears, lick our wounds and comfort us when no one else can. 

I encourage if you have not done so to seek God’s characteristics out. And think about His love, patience, and faithfulness.

Blessings scubagirl65

****Disclaimer****** In no way am I saying that dogs are God. I have to put this in because of my friend who sneers at the thought of any comparison of the two, so I think if they’re one there are more.

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